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Fors Trafikplats

(planning in progress)

Fors Trafikplats is located at the intersection between road 73 and the road called Gamla Nynäsvägen in Västerhaninge. Offices, professional trades (e.g. joineries, painters) and related retail operations, as well as the sale of bulky goods, a motel, restaurant and petrol station are planned for the area. At present there are no business operations in the area, but groundwork is being carried out. A plan programme has been produced to investigate the opportunities of extended exploitation of the land with shops selling food, home furnishings and leisure items, as well as a petrol station. It is estimated that the municipal council will adopt the plan programme by the turn of 2009/2010.

A development programme has been drawn up for the whole of Västerhaninge. A number of new residential areas are being planned, which will increase the customer base. One of the objectives is to enable companies to move into the area, thereby increasing the number of job opportunities.

The intersection Fors Trafikplats borders the planned residential estate Nedersta Skarplöt, which will comprise about 600 new homes.

Location and communications

Fors Trafikplats is located by the intersection of road 73 and the road called Gamla Nynäsvägen in south-west Västerhaninge, Haninge Municipality. The intersection is the main exit slip road from the motorway for people travelling from the south to Västerhaninge. By public transport, you can reach the area by bus on the roads Nynäsvägen and Vitsåsvägen. A path for cyclists and pedestrians runs from central Västerhaninge along Nynäsvägen up to the area covered by the plan. There are also plans to extend this path right out to the coastal village of Årsta Havsbad.

Senast uppdaterad: 18 september 2015