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In November 1988 the planning committee of the municipal executive board decided that work should start on the planning of Albyberg business park. This work was to result in a coordinated programme for detailed development plans. The land covered by the programme comprised just under 300 hectares east of the Jordbro residential area and south of the Dalarölänken link road. The extension of the motorway from the Jordbro intersection southwards had not yet been clarified at that time. Two possible alternative programmes were therefore drawn up that were tailored to different motorway expansion options. The programme was the subject of consultation in early 1990.

A proposed detailed development plan for a first stage was also drawn up that was the subject of consultation at the turn of 1991/1992. The planning was, however, later halted. The detailed development plan that had been started was not adopted due to strong opposition from local residents combined with a declining market for the establishment of industrial companies. Motiv I, the municipality's new comprehensive plan adopted on 7 February 2005, presents Albyberg as a future area for business operations. The guidelines state that – based on the previously written programme – the municipality will study how the planning and expansion of a business park can take place east of road 73.

Senast uppdaterad: 15 september 2017